
2-methyl pyridine    399 2-Methyl pyridine

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    #  Species Formula
   389 N-Methyl pyrroleC5H7N
   390 2-CyanobutaneC5H9N
   391 Butyl cyanideC5H9N
   392 1,2,3,6-TetrahydropyridineC5H9N
   393 t-ButylnitrileC5H9N
   394 CyclopentylamineC5H11N
   395 PiperidineC5H11N
   396 N-Methyl-n-butylamineC5H13N
   397 1-CyclopentenecarbonitrileC6H7N
   398 2-CyclopentenecarbonitrileC6H7N
   399 2-Methyl pyridine C6H7N
   400 3-Methyl pyridineC6H7N
   401 4-Methyl pyridineC6H7N
   402 AnilineC6H7N
   403 CyclopentanecarbonitrileC6H9N
   404 2,5-Dimethyl-1H-pyrroleC6H9N
   405 2-MethylpiperidineC6H13N
   406 CyclohexamethylenimineC6H13N
   407 CyclohexanamineC6H13N
   408 Di-n-propylamineC6H15N
   409 DiiospropylamineC6H15N

ΔHf: 23.6 kcal/mol,     REF: NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database, No. 69; W. G. Mallard, P. J. Linstrom, Eds., National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersberg,

2-Methyl pyridine
 H=23.65 HR=NIST
  N     0.00000000 +0    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     0     0     0
  C     1.34993085 +1    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     1     0     0
  C     1.40606331 +1  122.0474891 +1    0.0000000 +0     2     1     0
  C     1.39102159 +1  118.7104661 +1   -0.0050664 +1     3     2     1
  C     1.39439186 +1  119.4377005 +1   -0.0041476 +1     4     3     2
  C     1.39991135 +1  118.3285181 +1   -0.0029896 +1     5     4     3
  C     1.49221411 +1  116.8851000 +1  179.9996766 +1     2     1     3
  H     1.08490296 +1  120.2760069 +1  179.9988684 +1     3     2     4
  H     1.08967526 +1  120.2775500 +1 -179.9946046 +1     4     3     5
  H     1.08472802 +1  121.0254947 +1  179.9972536 +1     5     4     6
  H     1.09637393 +1  121.6798880 +1  179.9960805 +1     6     5     4
  H     1.09948155 +1  111.3281910 +1  119.9133805 +1     7     2     1
  H     1.09939307 +1  111.3641753 +1  120.3923300 +1     7     2    12
  H     1.10368495 +1  111.7939137 +1  119.8424254 +1     7     2    13